Here I go again with my heart thoughts.

Today I was reflecting on the non biblical customs we enjoy celebrating during a Christian holiday. One being the custom of hiding Easter eggs.

Children get a thrill finding different types of eggs. Many today use plastic eggs with candy with treats placed inside. Some still use the real egg.

The plastic egg holds surprises that will be found immediately with value only for the present time.

The real egg if found during the hunt holds a longer lasting sustenance of valuable nutrients.
At times after hiding eggs some are lost and found long after the eggs were hidden. Some are never found.

These scenarios hold spiritual provoking thoughts.

What are you hiding spiritually? Are you hiding things that you’ve hidden hoping to never surface?

Have you many years ago said or done things to your Christian brother or sister hoping no one would ever know you were the one that ruined their character by making statements or accusations that were or were not true?

Do you find it enjoyable to jump on the bandwagon of gossip and not only believe accusations, but continue to assassinate his or her character?

Have you distanced them from yourself for fear your hidden secret would come to life?

Are you afraid if your hidden (egg) secret is found it would have a foul odor of sin?

Do you have hidden secrets that you think nobody else knows but you.?

Have you stolen, coveted or any other sin and hid it in the darkness of your heart?

What kind of egg are you?

Easter, the most holiest of events is a great time to make known what has been hidden. First, make it right with the One who gave His life for your salvation. Second, go to the person that you hurt and ask for forgiveness and make it right.

Even if you were not the one that assassinated his or her character and you find yourself guilty of partaking in the gossip you are guilty.

It’s sad when people claiming to be a Christian deliberately think they are the better one when they get a high out of spreading gossip. I expect it from non believers.

Wouldn’t you dread your last heart beat to have hidden rotten (eggs) secrets to surface Judgment Day?

To him without sin cast the first stone.